New College


The practice is pleased to be able to offer care for students at New College. All New College students are encouraged to register with the practice. The practice doctors have a close working relationship with the New College welfare team and also the academic staff. They are particulary experienced in dealing with student health issues and how illness might impact on your studies.

The New College Health and Welfare web pages can be found on the New College website


The College Nurse

The New College Nurse is Jo Bowd, and she is able to provide many of the services you would expect from a practice nurse including contraception and sexual health advice. To book an appointment with the New College Nurse please e-mail.

The services provided are completely confidential. The College Nurse may liaise with the welfare team and medical staff with your consent.

Northgate Health Centre holds two lunchtime clinics a week on a Monday and Thursday between 12pm and 1pm specifically for New College Students. 

Students can of course make an appointment to see a doctor on any day of the week at Northgate Health Centre by calling the practice reception on 01865 311 811


Registration at the Practice

All new Hertford College and New College students are registered at the start of the Michaelmas term. If you missed the registration for any reason please contact us as soon as possible to arrange an appointment.

Once you register with us your medical records will transferred to Northgate Health Centre for the duration of your studies. You do not have to register with us, but if you do not, there will not be access to your medical records should you need to consult a doctor in Oxford. Also, if you remain registered at your home address, then your home health authority may not agree to funding of NHS hospital care in Oxfordshire, should you need it.

If you choose not to register with us or transfer to another practice please make sure to inform your college of this choice in case of emergencies.